House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today delivered the following remarks on House floor today on the Democrats plan to ram through their government takeover of health care bill using the Slaughter Solution, the toxic scheme by which they plan to bend the rules and pass the Senate health care bill through the House without an actual vote by members of the House.
Some Republicans are pretty damn good, all republicans will vote against this bill. I get so sick and tired of people like glen wreck saying both parties are the same.
They are the same and if you cannot see that,then you're a retard.
Tell me the difference between Bush and Obama other then color.
bush was a disaster. most republicans are a disaster mccains a disgrace, all i was saying is that there are some good ones. there is no good democrats. if you like glen beck you are a disgrace and pathetic.
you ron paul supporters are like a cult. just the same as the obama voters. ron paul is a politician hes not superman. ron paul doesn't think iran is a threat. hes awful on foreign policy.
Iran was created by U.S. foreign policy,the U.S. creates all it's own threats to itself.Ron Paul doesn't matter,he'll never hold power he's not corrupt enough.This is all going to end badly.
Civil war ins not far away. Name calling , protests then sopratic violence, economic collapse then its on, confusion, fear, pain suffering, health care will be the least of the former rich nations thoughts. Food, Water, Gold, silver, clothing, shelter. Please goverment help us. Thats where were headed.
US health care. A woman told me about her granddaughter in Florida. She ( the grand daughter ) had major heart surgery and it was covered by the family's medical insurance. I suppose that the US health care system could be better but it doesn't sound that bad.
Sorry if I'm off topic.
Please don't disparage Ron Paul. He's the best we've got.
Of all the speeches, a lower level IMF official, is one that should be listened to. His timing is seemingly perfect.
World Economy....CTL+ALT+DEL?
Ron Paul President? Never say never.
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